Tumblr has just announced that they will be putting a permanent ban on adult content from December 17th. This move aims to eradicate porn communities on the website.
The new policy aims to ban all explicit sexual content and nudity (with some exceptions). Tumblr has defined the content as images, videos and GIFs that depict “real-life human genitals or female-presenting nipples.” Shoutout to protecting the youths from female anatomy, how do the 50s feel?
Gone are the days of Tumblr After Dark™. Today we mourn the loss of black and white tasteful GIFS from ‘Skins’, of scene couples in underwear and matching The Story So Far merch. This decision is the final nail in the coffin of “touch my butt and buy me pizza culture”.
Users are already picking up on flaws in the system. The website has started labelling posts that aren’t sexual in any way as NSFW. Check out some of the definitely safe for work content they’ve flagged below.
A collection of stuff on my Tumblr that is now labeled nsfw lol pic.twitter.com/IDfTl3oqge
— AnhDang (@anhdangerous) December 3, 2018
Hey here's why tumblr's purge of NSFW will not work. Here is what was flagged as NSFW from my art blog ( a thread ) pic.twitter.com/mUTvbKVfaF
— cryptids 'r' us (•̀⌄•́) (@mothmanners) December 3, 2018
Hey Tumblr, quick question. How does this moment from my webcomic where my main character sees her dead mother in a dream count as NSFW content??? pic.twitter.com/r6p4iH25yk
— 💖💙💜Elise 💖💙💜 (@troubledmn) December 3, 2018
Will this be the demise of the social media platform we all already assumed was dead.