So, Vladimir Putin – the man who’s busy invading Ukraine as we speak – says he’s a victim of cancel culture, just like J. K. Rowling. Hmm.

We live in a world where Putin can invade Ukraine and call it a necessity. We also live in a world where he knows about cancel culture – and complain about being a victim of said cancel culture despite, you know, attacking another country.

That’s exactly what happened, however.

In an address on Friday, Putin complained that the West had negated the Russia’s contributions to World War II by using the internet omnipresent term, ‘cancel’.

As translated by Sky News, Putin said: “They just cancel the contribution of the Red Army.”

Putin then went on to compare himself to another cancel culture comrade, J. K. Rowling, who’s been under fire multiple times for being a transphobe. He complained that just like Rowling, the world was trying to cancel him and Russia.

“They canceled Joanne Rowling recently — the children’s author, her books are published all over the world — just because she didn’t satisfy the demands of gender rights.” he said.

“They are now trying to cancel our country. I’m talking about the progressive discrimination of everything to do with Russia,” he said.

He then went on to compare the attacks on him to Nazis – yes, it does get worse – who torched books during the World War: “It is impossible to imagine such a thing in our country and we are insured against this thanks to our culture.”

Not to be clubbed in with Putin, Rowling tweeted out a response (although she glossed over the very reasons she is being cancelled for).

Critiques of Western cancel culture are possibly not best made by those currently slaughtering civilians for the crime of resistance, or who jail and poison their critics. #IStandWithUkraine.”

Someone, please, take Putin’s phone away.

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