If you live in the Inner West, you may have encountered massive disruptions due to the bloated, ineffective, costly WestConnex project – which seems to be steamrolling (yup) ahead, despite numerous public reports that suggest it is a taxpayer drain, a notable health issue, has destroyed areas of a long-standing community, and won’t be effective at reducing congestion in the areas of the city it is claimed, which was ostensibly the point of it in the first place.
Many residents have lost their houses, many more have been relocated due to dire living conditions created by the construction, while others have to just put up with the impact on their mental and physical health as machinery roars and bores away at all hours outside their houses, disrupting dust and Christ knows what else in the process. When you live under the flight path, and long for the tranquil respite of thundering aircraft, you know things are bad.
Not bad enough, however, according to WestConnex, who have met a complaint about such overnight construction noise with an official letter informing the sleepless resident that “the noise levels didn’t warrant alternative accommodation”, and a packet of those foam earplugs you wear to a MBV concert – which they cheerily inform are “quite comfortable to sleep with”. Phew.
Clover Moore, who — along with the community campaigners at WestConnex Action Group — shone a light on this nonsense, sums it up nicely: “This really defies belief.”
Clover also wants you to sign this open letter to the Premier, and she is the Lord Mayor, so you have to do it!