Young Henrys are teaming up with Finska on giving away 100 Young Henrys sets a week for 6 weeks — the only question remains is, what the fuck is Finska?

Finska is an ancient log-tossing game from Finland. In 2010 the Finnish brought the game to an Australian audience and it’s since become somewhat of a phenomenon. You’ve probably seen troupes of wholesome, organised people playing this game at your park of choice.

After what feels like an eternity spent cooped up inside, I think we’ve earned a summer spent in the park, lounging like delightful Matisse women, sipping on Pimms and playing a good ol’ fashioned game of Finska.

So how the fuck do you play Finska?

Aim: The aim of Finska is to be the first team to get exactly 50 points by knocking down the numbered pins, without exceeding a score of 50. If you exceed 50, your point count goes down to 500.

How to play: 

  • From the throwing position, teams take turns to underarm through the large throwing pin — The Finska — at the numbered pins. If there is more than one player per team, the team must share its throws equally between all team members to a specific order.
  • After each throw, write down the score and add it to the teams’ total score. The numbered pins are placed back upright where they lie (using the base of the pin to mark the spot). The pins will spread as the game continues.


  • A multiple pin score occurs when more than one pin has been fully knocked down. The team scores the number of pins fully knocked down. For example: knocking down the 7, 11 and 12 scores 3 points.
  • A single pin score occurs when only one pin has been fully knocked down. The team scores the number marked on that pin. For example: knocking down only the 7, scores 7.
    Pins must lie fully flat to be considered knocked down. If your pin is resting or leaning on another pin, I’m sorry toots but that is not down.

Young Henry’s have teamed up with Finska on a signature version of the game and they’re giving a bunch away. If you, like me, are the type of person that thinks that playing a game with your friends would fall on the spectrum of idyllic, but are far too lazy to ever actually go out and buy a game, check out how to win one below:

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