In case you missed it, the latest entry of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon series, Breakpoint, hits shelves on Friday for PS4, XBO and PC. Breakpoint is a military shooter set in a diverse, hostile, and mysterious open world that you can play entirely solo or with a group of friends via four-player co-op.
Injured, without support, and hunted down by ex-Ghosts, you must fight to survive while lost in the remote Auroa Archipelago – a hostile landscape somewhere in the South Pacific filled to the brim with deadly enemies and harsh elements. The game also features Punisher and Walking Dead star, Jon Bernthal.
To celebrate the launch, Ubisoft has given us SIX copies of the game on Xbox One to give away to you, our valued readers. All you need to do is tell us in 25 words of less what your military squad’s code name would be and why.