An Irish woman has shared her regret over copying an Australian model and getting eyeball tattoos because she is now going blind.
Anaya Peterson got both of her eyeballs tattooed blue in July 2020 after seeing that an Australian model nicknamed “Blue Eyes White Dragon” undertook the procedure to change the colour of her eyes. The tattoo session took 40-minute.
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“I was just going to get one [eye tattoo] at first, because I thought that if I go blind, at least I’ve got the other eye. I should have stuck with that,” Peterson told
“My daughter told me that I didn’t want to do that [the tattoo] asking, ‘What if you go blind?’ She wasn’t on board with it at all.”
Eights months after the procedure Peterson woke up with swollen eyes. She went to hospital and was put on an IV.
“I just wanted to be at home watching [TV] to be honest. I can’t even put it into words. It wasn’t nice at all whatsoever,” she recalled.
“It was traumatising to go through. I just remember thinking, ‘I’m not doing that s**t again, with the eye tattoo. I’m definitely not doing that s**t again’.”
Ever since the hospital visit, Peterson has noticed her eyesight deteriorating.
“I don’t have 20/20 vision anymore. From a distance, I can’t see features on faces,” she said.
“If I didn’t have my eyeballs tattooed, I wouldn’t be having this problem. Even today I woke up with more floaters in my eyes. And that is dangerous.”
She added, “I’m kind of recovered — on the outside, it’s recovered. It’s just inside. I’m basically on the verge of going blind,” she said.“If I could go back in time, I would have done one black [eye tattoo] and left it. I would have done one black. Absolutely.”
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