MAFS participant Olivia emerged as this season’s supervillain after her savage actions on last night’s episode. Now, a woman has said she wants to change her unborn baby’s name from Olivia because she feels “disgusted by the name”.

The controversial episode saw Olivia criticise her co-star’s, Domenica’s, voice and tone. Olivia went on to deliver a highly exaggerated version of the interactions that occurred between herself and Domenica.

When Domenica tried to apologise for her outburst, Olivia made snide remarks throughout the apology, saying “Do I need like a Xanax before we have this chat,” and rolling her eyes.

Olivia makes snide comments during MAFS episode

In light of the episode, a woman posed a question on Reddit, asking the online community their opinion about whether they think she should stick with the intended name of Olivia or Olive for her baby.

“I’m pregnant and named my unborn baby Olive/Olivia/Oliver (I don’t know the gender yet). Naturally, I feel disgusted by the name now. I called it Olive because it was the size of an olive & the name’s stuck. I am torn. What should I do or what should I change it to?” The user wrote on Reddit.

Opinions were split as to where the woman should stick with her name choice, or swap it up for something similar – and unrelated to MAFS.

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“I used to think the name Olivia was nice too. Sadly whenever i hear that name now i have a visceral reaction and its associated with the pathetic, obnoxious thing that’s been angering a million Australians lately,” replied one user.

“Ophelia is super cute for a girl. Superstition in my culture that if something annoys you while pregnant do away with it,” added another.

However, many users speculated that the name would be long forgotten once season nine of Married at First Sight wraps.

“Olivia will be largely forgotten about once this season is over, keep your baby name. Olive is very cute,” responded a user.

“Go ahead and just call your baby Olivia, it’s a beautiful classic name. And good grief – do you really think anyone is even going to remember her the second this season of MAFS is off the air? Eg has the show ruined the name “Jessica”? Or “Davina”? Get perspective because not everyone even watches FTA TV – let alone this show. The most famous Olivia is probably Olivia Newton John, and I don’t think one insignificant mean-girl is capable of ruining anything but her own career prospects,” agreed another.

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