Alec Baldwin has recently taken to Instagram to defend both Woody Allen and New York governor Andrew Cuomo.
The now-deleted video, reportedly came in at 14-minutes long and also saw Baldwin rant about cancel culture, saying, “a few people going at me for defending people who have been accused of crimes,” he continued, “Well, I’m not defending someone who is guilty of something. I’m choosing to defend someone who has not been proven guilty of something.”
According to NME, Baldwin referenced the alleged abuse of Allen’s adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, as well as Governor Cuomo, who has been accused of sexual abuse on the counts of five different women.
Ranting about cancel culture, Baldwin said: “The cancel culture thing has revved up during COVID. People have a lot of time on their hands… they want to get on their computer and they want to take on people like me and they want to say every horrible thing that you can possibly imagine about defending someone whose been accused of a crime.”
He continued, “The COVID has exacerbated everything bad in our society. People are angry and bitter. They’re pissed off.”
“If it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt that this person was guilty, I would certainly be open to changing my tune and even apologising to victims.”
“I’m all in favour of tough laws on people who sexual harass or abuse, but it has to be proven.”
Though the original rant video may have been deleted, Baldwin has now uploaded another video to Instagram, where he mentions that his last video was potentially a little bit too long, while also confirming that he thinks, “cancel culture is getting out of hand.”
He then goes on to liken cancel culture to trawling. Saying, “It’s like trawling. It’s like a giant mile-long net and you’re catching a lot of people and many of them deserve it. And more than a few of them don’t deserve to have their careers and their lives destroyed.”
He concludes, “The cancel culture is creating more problems than it solves.”
Listen to Alec Baldwin talk about his thoughts on cancel culture below.