Baby Yoda recently got his little hands on some sweet looking macarons and it turns out you too can also get them… for a hefty price.

After inadvertently pissing everyone off for eating a bunch of frog eggs (and nearly wiping out an entire species in the process), Baby Yoda has got himself (itself?) back into everyone’s good books by stealing some poor kid’s macarons in a ridiculously cute way and becoming a foodie.

Ignoring the fact that macarons exist in the Star Wars universe in the first place, it was inevitable that these macarons would show up in the real world as some kind of licensed product.

And to no one’s surprise, that has indeed happened.

Thanks to luxury brand Williams Sonoma (via the eagle-eyed folks over at io9), official MandalorianNevarro Nummies Macarons” are a thing and are described as: “Inspired by a sweet moment when a young Nevarro student debated sharing his treats with the Child, 21st-century artisans in California have created these ethereal French-style almond macarons capturing the essence of this scene with Nevarro Nummies. For authentic galactic flavor, each exquisite treat is artfully hand-piped with a rich, creamy vanilla filling.”

As nice as that sounds, these are not cheap at all. A 12-pack of these blue sweet treats will cost $50, which in dollarydoos is about $68.

Good lord. It’s going to take a lot of beskar to afford these overpriced macarons.

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The kicker to this is that these blue macarons are only available through the U.S. version of the Williams Sonoma website, meaning you’ll have to cough up even more moolah if you want them shipped to you.

You know what, thanks but no thanks, Baby Yoda. You can keep your pricy desserts and your frog eggs to yourself.

Check out Baby Yoda getting his hands on some macarons:

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