Bernie Sanders must be a soothsayer or something because he accurately predicted everything that would happen in the 2020 U.S. presidential election a week before it actually happened.
So after several months of putting up with Trump’s antics and desperate cries to not vote for him from both real and fictional people during the election cycle, we’ve election day is finally over and… we still don’t have a winner.
Despite predictions on what was going to happen and when we’ll get a definitive result on who will be the next U.S. president, it seems like many folks didn’t expect the vote counting process to drag on for so long, not to mention Trump’s false declarations of victory and threats of lawsuits to get officials to stop counting votes.
Unless you were Bernie Sanders, in which case you predicted everything that was going to happen during and after election day word for word.
A month in advance.
See, Sanders appeared on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon back in October to talk about the election and he accurately predicted the ongoing chaos that everyone is experiencing right now.
Seriously just check it out.
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So let’s unpack all this.
“You’re gonna have a situation – I suspect – in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, other states, where they are going to be receiving huge amounts of mail-in ballots,” Sanders said.
“And unlike states like Florida or Vermont, there’re not able, for bad reasons, to begin processing those ballots until – I don’t know – election day, or maybe when the polls close.
“That means you’re gonna have states dealing with perhaps millions of mail-in ballots.”
All that is happening right now at the time of writing. Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, and Georgia are all still counting through the swaths of mail-in ballots and it could be days before we get a definitive answer on whether Trump or Biden will be president.
“Here is my worry,” Sanders continued. “What polls show and what studies show is that, for whatever reason, Democrats are more likely to use mail-in ballots, Republicans are more likely to walk into polling booths on election day.”
“It is likely that the first votes that will be counted will be those people who came in on election day, which will be Republican.”
And that… is also happening. If you track what’s going on in the live forecasts, you’ll see that while Trump has the lead in several crucial states, Biden is clawing his way back. In fact, he’s managed to flip Wisconsin and Michigan – two mega important states for the presidency – the day after election day due to the counting of mail in ballots.
But perhaps the most accurate prediction Bernie had was Trump’s overly-predictable reaction to everything.
“And here is the feat – and I hope everybody hears that – it could well be that at 10 o’clock on election night, Trump is winning in Michigan, he’s winning in Pennsylvania, he’s winning in Wisconsin, and he gets on the television and says: ‘Thank you, Americans, for re-electing me! It’s all over, have a good day!’” Sanders said.
“But then the next day, and the day following, all of those mail-in ballots start getting counted, and it turns out that Biden has won those states.
“At which point Trump says, ‘See? I told you the whole thing was fraudulent, I told you those mail-in ballots were crooked, and we’re not gonna leave office!’”
At the time of writing, this is exactly what’s happening – Trump declared a premature victory, only for Biden to come back and win Michigan and Wisconsin. Hell, Biden has got a great shot to also win Pennsylvania and that’ll give him the victory.
Votes are still being counted right now as we speak and it’s still up in the air as to who will win, though it’s looking like Biden has got a clearer path to victory than Trump.
We should ask Bernie Sanders what’s going to happen. He’s been right about everything so far.
Check out Bernie Sanders’ pre-election interview with Jimmy Fallon: