After Disney’s disastrous investor’s day meeting Disney employees are preparing to walk out in opposition to the ‘don’t say gay’ bill.

Disney employees are mobilizing to prepare for a walkout in protest of the Florida ‘don’t say gay’ bill, which prohibits the instruction or discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom. The new CEO of Disney, Bob Chapek, has come under much heat from Disney employees as he espoused support for the bill during Disney’s recent shareholders call.

The wording, “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur,” can be found in HB 1557.

In response, Disney LGBTQ+ employees and allies alike are preparing a walkout on March 22nd.

“This @DisneyWalkout is about more than us as employees. This is about saying that TDC can’t work to accumulate financial power in states like Florida and then say they are powerless to stand up for human rights of it’s people,” says @SamanthaCKing

The statement provided by the group reads as such:

“Real allyship means actions.

Disney can and should use its influence to be an ally and show up for human rights for Floridians, its employees and their families.

Today we support all Disney employees walking out in solidarity for human rights, including those of our #LGBTQ+ loved ones. Today, and every day, we support making schools and workplaces- and a society- safe for all marginalized communities.”

The movement also has a Twitter page @DisneyWalkout which has updates and useful information for those who are involved.

The core goal of the movement can be found on their page and discusses their demands to Chapek.

“One thing we’d like to reiterate:

The pressure here is for Disney to permanently pull funding from supporters of this bill.

This is about our community’s and castmemebers in FL and it always will be.

#DisneyDoBetter #DisneySayTrans #DisneySayGay #DisneyWalkout #WhereIsChapek

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