Ezra Miller’s concerning behaviour dates back years, but most recently, they were arrested this week for the second time in less than a month. Now, new claims from their ex-partner have emerged, alleging that the actor was physically abusive.

Following Miller’s recent arrest, their previous partner Mia Solange – who also recognises as non-binary – uploaded social media posts detailing the abuse they endured.

“You took everything from me. Ezra M***er is not a good human. And I can finally say so without being terrified. #abuser,” Solange says in one of the videos.

Solange went on to say that the actor called her a “retard” and schizophrenic, and purposely ignored their chosen pronouns.

“We were having sex one time and he knows I use them pronouns and still stroked my hair and said ‘good girl’.”

In another post Solange posted a photo of bruising on her leg, however, they didn’t detail if it was the Flash actor that caused the physical abuse to them.

Solange also shared a vague video, seemingly encouraging other people who have experienced abuse at the hands of Miller to come forward.

“There is more bang for your buck in numbers, and if I can get, I dunno, I dunno, I was just hoping we could do something about this because I’m tired of them – Ezra – who uses they/them pronouns for all of you in my comments. Yes they are a piece of shit and yes I hate them. But they’re still human, and they still use they/them pronouns.

I’m not comfortable sharing full details right now because things are still really, really fresh, I just want to go see them in January so I’m still processing… When I’m ready I’ll share,” they said in the video.

Just last week Miller was charged with second-degree assault after an incident at a residence in Pāhoa for throwing a chair, which struck a 26-year-old woman on the head, leaving a half-inch cut.

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