Put your money where your mouth is and head over to help a very good cause.
Want to tell ol’ mate #CasinoMike exactly what you think about his lockout laws? Then head on over to the Chippendale Hotel for a bumper night of music and socially responsible partying. The venue will be hosting a Keep Sydney Open fundraiser, featuring a bunch of great party-starting acts including Body Promise, D+D, Magda Bytnerowicz, Mike Who and more.
After that, a late night edition of the fundraising drive will take place at the Tatler in Marrickville from 10pm, with Phile, Simon Caldwell and Kali.
As last week’s 15,000 strong KSO rally proved, the tide of popular opinion is turning against the lockout laws that have so decimated our city, so tomorrow’s fundraiser will provide ample opportunity to further fund the cause. You gotta fight for your right to party, after all.
Photo: Ashley Mar
The Keep Sydney Open Fundraiser kicks off at the Chippendale Hotelon Thursday March 3, before another party at the Tatler. More information is available on the Keep Sydney Open Facebook page, here.