Hands up if you’ve ever had a ‘friend’ post an unflattering photo of you to the interwebs. Yep, that’d be most of us. Welp, turns out even Khloe Kardashian isn’t immune to having a less than perfect pic out in the public eye as has been demonstrated by #Khlophotogate.
Now, Khloe Kardashian has spoken out about the unedited photo of her which was released against her consent, by flashing her abs and bum in a video in a vapid attempt to prove just how ‘great’ her body is.
To catch you up to speed, a photo of the 36 year old Kardashian sister standing by a pool in a bikini surfaced online. While Khlo certainly looks banging – the lighting is harsh, her hip to waist ratio looks somewhat normal – basically, it’s a far cry from the highly edited and airbrushed pics she usually posts.
There’s many different theories going around online, but the consensus seems to be that Khloe’s grandma MJ posted the pic which was quickly picked up by fan account @kardashiansvogue.
The Kardashian family seemingly got to work quickly to scrub the photo clean from the internet, with many screenshots popping up of Kim Kardashian contacting people who posted the pic and asking them to remove it. Proof that the devil works hard, but Kim Kardashian works harder.
Now, Khloe has *finally* come forward with, what the internet has deemed a very unfortunate, statement on the matter.
She posted a video of her wearing nothing but some beige knickers (which we’re going to go ahead and assume are Skims because, Kardashian) showing her body at all angles with the caption “PS Yes I did a live to show you all this isn’t photoshopped 😝” to show just how toned and ‘perfect’ <insert heavy eye roll here> her body is.
The reality TV star also took to IG Live with a hideously cringe video of her showing of her abs and bum and it’s something you really need to see for yourself. It actually pains me to share that the usually relatable Kardash actually jumps up in down in the video to seemingly prove that her body doesn’t jiggle.
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Koko posted a statement that read, “Hey guys, this is me and my body un-retouched and unfiltered.” And, “I love a good filter, good lighting and an edit here and there.” You can read the entire statement above.
The irony of a Kardashian – who have made a living off sprucing diet products, waist trainers and hair vitamins – admitting to editing photos and complaining about an unedited photo being online, has not been lost on many.
“But again you guys are the ones who are setting those standards for yourself, all you have to do is love yourself in whatever shape and form you are.You don’t have to please anyone. Love and happiness comes from within Khloe. You don’t need to share some videos, what do you want to gain from that. Learn and teach your daughter that she does not need validation from anyone,” was one of the many comments questioning what Khloe really needed to prove by posting this video and statement.
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