For all you horny thots on your third weekly viewing of Call Me By Your Name, this may be the tool to save your rapidly unravelling relationship. Netflix has offered the godsend of all tools that’ll be the saving grace for anyone using a shared profile. 

In this dire economy, I assume that we’re all sharing a Netflix profile with multiple people, whom are sharing a Netflix account with even more people. My entire family and I are still using my ex-boyfriend’s account, which is also shared by his dad, sisters, and brother and like, a bunch of my past and present romantic suitors (¯\_(ツ)_/¯.).

Netflix has announced that users can now remove items from the home screen’s Continue Watching row — the section that allows viewers to return to whatever embarrassing carb viewing show the most depraved part of their soul craved nourishment from.

If you simply can not stay away from problematic but seductive garbage that is 13 Reasons Why, you’ll be able to silently churn through. Though you may not be forced to deal with any confrontation, you should still feel so deeply ashamed.

Perhaps the unsung benefit of this all is that you’re protecting yourself from all future spoilers if you’re sharing a profile with somebody who is watching the exact same shit as you. Y’all can’t even begin to fathom my dismay jumping in at the final episode of Big Little Lies when I was only half way through the season.

Back in May, in the thick of the coronavirus pandemic a group of advertising vigilantes took radical action to encourage people to stay at home during the crisis.

Students from Miami Ad School in Hamburg, Germany have started to post billboards plastered with spoilers from popular Netflix series’ to deter people from leaving the house.

The billboards feature spoilers for a selection of the streaming services most popular shows, including Stranger Things, Narcos and Kingdom.

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