Tom Cruise has had enough of irresponsible people ignoring strict COVID guidelines and he’s not afraid to shout it from the roof tops (or the Mission: Impossible 7 film set, as it may be). Following on from his very publicised profanity laced rant at employees who weren’t social distancing earlier this week, Cruise has apparently exploded again.

“The first outburst was big but things haven’t calmed since. Tension has been building for months and this was the final straw,” a source told The Sun.

“Since it became public there has been more anger and several staff have walked.”

“But Tom just can’t take any more after all the lengths they have gone to just to keep filming at all. He’s upset others aren’t taking it as seriously as him. In the end, he’s the one who carries the can.”

Apparently, the Mission Impossible star is so over some of the film staff’s lax attitude that he’s planning to shut down the entire movie set so he can take some time out.

“It has been exhausting keeping the production on track for so long, and it’s not getting any easier – Christmas can’t come soon enough,” shares the same source.

Tom has decided he’s ready for a break and is now going to wind up filming for 2020 on Friday, and fly to Miami over the weekend on his private jet to spend Christmas with his son.”

“It’s the end of a really tough year, and a bit of time out seems like a good idea for everyone as tensions have been mounting for a while.”

Though his outburst was certainly far from tactful, many believe it was warranted considering 12 people on set in Italy were said to have tested positive to Coronavirus.

George Clooney agrees, “well, he didn’t overreact, because it is a problem.” Clooney said in an appearance on The Howard Stern Show. “If the production goes down a lot of people lose their jobs. You know, people have to understand that and they have to be responsible. It’s just not my style to take everybody to task that way.”

It’s been reported that five employees have quit the film in light of Cruise’s colourful outburst which included phrases such as “If I see you doing it again, you’re fucking gone” and “we are creating thousands of jobs you motherfuckers.”

Listen to his angry monologue for yourself below:

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