Psychedelic rock band Temples have been hailed by Noel Gallagher as the best new band in Britain. Alright, so Noel shoots off his mouth quite a bit, even since Oasis’ demise. But he knows what he’s talking about: only last year he was singing the praises of our own Jagwar Ma. So we’re pretty excited Temples are coming down to Sydney next month on the back of stunning debut album Sun Structures. They’re playing the Metro Theatre on Friday May 9 with support from Deep Sea Arcade, and we want to send you along to the show. To be in the running for one of three double passes, head to the comments below and tell us whether or not you trust Noel Gallagher and why.
Temples! Metro Theatre! Win Tix!
Psychedelic rock band Temples have been hailed by Noel Gallagher as the best new band in Britain. Alright, so Noel shoots off his mouth quite...
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