Getting an Xbox Series X and S in Australia is stupidly difficult so here’s an update on how things are going in terms of stock.

Getting an Xbox Series X or S in Australia has been nigh impossible ever since it launched last November.

Much like the equally brilliant PS5, gamers pounced on Microsoft’s new consoles like white on rice as soon as they were released and now Australia is going through a severe Xbox shortage.

Couple that with global supply and distribution issues, things aren’t looking promising for those hoping to play some next-gen games (or some PS2 games) or a new makeshift fog machine (though I recommend you don’t use the Xbox Series X for that purpose).

Since we’re keeping y’all updated on where you can get a PS5 in Australia, it’s only fair we do the same for the Xbox Series X and S.

But just a heads up, the answer for most of these places will be a resounding “none here” due to a severe stock shortage everywhere around the globe so expect to wait a bit longer for more Xbox Series X and S consoles to arrive Down Under.

EB Games

No Xbox Series X or S consoles to be found here. Next.

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JB Hi-Fi

None here either. Next.

Harvey Norman/Target/Big W

No Xbox Series X or S consoles at Harvey Norman or Target unfortunately.

There aren’t any Xbox Series X consoles at Big W either, however, you can order the Xbox Series S online from them.

Hey, that’s better than nothing.

Amazon Australia

Unsurprisingly, the Xbox Series X is sold out at the time of writing and all that’s available is an option to sign up for email notifications for when more stock will arrive.

But on a more positive note, there are Xbox Series S consoles available for $499! Best get in quickly before these disappear.

Microsoft Store

No stock for either of the new Xbox consoles here either. However, the Microsoft Store is usually one of the first places in Australia to get new stock so keep an eye out there and you may get lucky.

The Gamesmen

No Xbox Series X consoles here but there were some Xbox Series S consoles still available last time we checked, though these may have disappeared by the time this article goes out. Sorry about that.


All it says on the site is “coming soon” which doesn’t tell us anything at all. Thanks, Kogan.

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